Forum 2018-08-06T22:58:13+02:00
Adding limit switch...
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Adding limit switches to slider?  


Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 30
24/08/2019 1:44 pm  



I understand the concept but actually haven't been able to get how to practically do that.

I'd like to add those to my slider. Is there any resources online I should check?





Black Forest Motion Moderator
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111
25/08/2019 1:14 am  

The controller supports limit switches mainly for calibration purposes at this time. 

Within the Android App, you can go to Motor Settings and then Calibration. If you select the Limit Switch, the Slider can do an automatic calibration. It will move backwards until it hits the limit switch, then will stop there and set this position to the zero reference position.

In the iOS App this is not yet implemented software wise.

Limit Switches need to be of normally-closed type.

The Slider we offer does not support a Limit Switch attachment. But you can use one for your DIY projects. The necessary pinout can be found in the user manual.

All the best,

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 30
03/09/2019 6:00 pm  

What I'm not getting is:

where do I connect the cable coming out of the limit switch, to the same connector that attaches the motor to the Pine controller? (on Pins 5 and 6)? So the motor and the limit switches share the connector?

What if I have two limit switches, one for each end of the slider?


Black Forest Motion Moderator
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111
03/09/2019 10:15 pm  

Motor and limitswitch share the same connector. Motor is on pins 1-4, limitswitch on 5 & 6. You need to build a special cable for that. A splitter cable where one part of the cable goes to the motor and the other part to a limitswitch. We have 6pin open end cables you could use as a basis for that or build your own. We have all the part numbers of the connectors in the user manual. 

Only one limitswitch per motor is supported. This one will be used to set the zero position. In the app, you can then define limit positions. If your slider is able to move e.g. 1000mm (100cm), set one limit to 0 and the other limit to 1000mm. This will automatically stop the movement at 100cm so there is no second limit switch needed (provided the motor will not skip steps due to overloading).

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 30
04/09/2019 10:34 am  

Thanx Patrick, I got it now.

Do you plan to add the limit switch support/calibration feature to the iOS app anytime soon?


Black Forest Motion Moderator
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111
04/09/2019 10:37 pm  

Yes, will be coming soon. Today or tomorrow, there will be another app update coming. I have implemented the calibration and limits option under the motor settings section. Limit switches are not in yet with this coming update but I will have it implemented in the next update.
