Forum 2018-08-06T22:58:13+02:00
My Nic-O-Tilts have...
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My Nic-O-Tilts have play  


New Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1
10/01/2019 9:41 pm  

Hi everyone, I just finished a 3 day project with 3D-scanning some objects, where a few were rather heavy. Maybe 2kg. I now have both Nic-O-Tilts with play, one more than the other. The other was used with a sony 7RII and 50mm Macro. Not too heavy, but I detected during capture some play already as well. I just read about it, that this should not be the case, as it is promoted as "playless":

Ein großer Vorteil des spielfreien und wartungsfreien, selbsthemmenden Schneckengetriebes ist, dass es keinen Strom benötigt, um während der Zeitrafferaufnahme die Position zu halten, es gibt also kein “Absacken”. Der kräftige Schrittmotor bewegt und hält auch schwerere Kameras zuverlässig und präzise.

so the plate is moving and bouncing back each time with heavier objects. Question: Are my Nics broken? What weight limit do they have? They talk of support for heavier cameras. or is there a screw or something to retighten it? thanks for advice.

best Jan

Black Forest Motion Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 21
10/01/2019 11:52 pm  

Hi Jan,


sad to hear but there is some help in the manual:

If, under any circumstances, grub screws on the turntable should come loose, you will notice a rather large play on the turntable if it can be turned several degrees without much effort, noticeably more than if there is a pure gear backlash (see point V.). To eliminate this, the following steps are necessary:

You can find the manual here in English and German:

I hope this helps.

All the best,

