Forum 2018-08-06T22:58:13+02:00
Firmware 3.1 update...
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Firmware 3.1 updated - some observations  


Active Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 7
06/06/2020 8:38 pm  

Thanks for a very interesting system of products. I just received a slider/set and update the Pine R controller to the 3.1 firmware, which was an easy process.

I've noticed a few crashes if I try to change parameters quickly. I'm using an iPad v. 6 to run the app. I also noticed that in the VIDEO Application of the APP, the top set of buttons don't seem to work. The buttons which don't seem to work are the Next/Previous keyframe buttons and the Green triangle (presumably to go). When I push the KEYFRAME number, the unit does proceed to that keyframe, directing the motors accordingly. HOWEVER - one time, the unit went haywire and turned one of the NIC units PAST the keyframe and tried to rotate the unit completely. I turned the power off and returned the heads to the staring position using the manual option of the knurled knobs. It might be worth noting that direction which went haywire was a motor which failed to respond at all to the APP until I rotated the knob manually several times in a row. My assumption is that the unit was 'too tight' being brand new, but I guess it could have more serious issues?

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07/06/2020 9:25 pm  

The problems seem to happen only on the ios (iPad 6, using Pine app v. 3.1). Switching to the app on android S7 galaxy seems to solve the various software problems.

Black Forest Motion Moderator
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111
12/06/2020 6:54 am  

Thank you for sharing your experience.

We will have a look and try to improve on these points.

Regarding the motor which did not respond in the app, did you set the correct motor profiles? Maybe the motor current was too low so the PINE didn't output enough power to drive the motor. Did the motor still make some noise?

In the iOS app in the video mode, not all buttons are functional yet (like the next and previous keyframe button). The green play button should however work as long as you have at least 2 keyframes set.

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Posts: 7
12/06/2020 12:31 pm  

Thanks, Patrick. I don't believe the Green Play Button worked, even with the keyframes set.

The motor appears to be okay now - it appeared to just needed to be used some, after giving it a few nudges. I'll try it again soon and let you know if there is a recurrence. The second NT has worked consistently, without issue. The profiles for both are set to NT, which I trust is the correct setting.
