Forum 2018-08-06T22:58:13+02:00
XML file in 360 Mod...
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XML file in 360 Mode  


Active Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 10
11/09/2018 6:49 pm  

Hi Patrick,

Is it possible to add "XML file" feature in 360 mode?

this will be helpful in 4 or 5 vertical-rows.

All the best

Black Forest Motion Moderator
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111
12/09/2018 8:24 pm  

Hi Zakariya,

Yes, will add it onto the list for the next app update.

Stay tuned.


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 10
11/11/2018 7:37 am  

Thank you Patric for the update.
My first PINE run in field was last week and I guess I have something to share.

Run Scenario [360 Photography]
1. Camera [model doesn't matter]
2. Lens: Tamron 24-70mm. Shooting at 24mm, with PINE calculation: 5 rows + 9 Columns [Portrait orientation]
3. Nic-O-Tilt motors
4. Post processing applications: [Autopano GigaPro, PTGui pro-Trial]

Because I was testing the device at home for several days I change PAN motor connection to Reverse:ON !!!
I was noticing that pan motor was moving counter clockwise while tilt motor was moving clockwise.

After importing images and aligned them with XML, I get similar result of attached image.

Thankfully, the correction [if you were in same situation] is so simple:
1. Open the XML in any text editor
2. Change all yaw values to negative
this solutions works with me perfectly

Issue accrues when pan motor in revers only,
Tilt motor does not matter if it's in normal movement or in reverse.

Hope this will help someone, Have great shooting,

Black Forest Motion Moderator
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111
11/11/2018 11:48 pm  

Hi Zakariya,

Thanks for bringing this up. We will double check this issue and try to find a fix so that the XML will always give good stitching results.

All the best,

Active Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 10
14/11/2018 9:17 am  

Thank you Patrick,

I guess this is just kind of user fault,
because it's caused by wrong configuration.

All the best,


Black Forest Motion Moderator
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 111
16/11/2018 7:01 am  

The XML file generation assumes that the pan rotation starts in a clockwise direction. If the user doesn't know that, we have your situation. I think it would be good when we make a hint for that somewhere in the app. This is a difficult situation to implement the rotation direction directly into the XML file, as some users are not using a Nic-O-Tilt and rotation direction might vary for other systems by default. We will keep this in mind.

Thanks Zakariya!
